
Dinner at Capella

What should have been a really nice meal turned into a nightmare. Capella is surposedly one of the best restaurants in Cape Town and we were all very excited about eating there. It's beautifully decorated with textures and fabrics that give the space a highened sense of three dimensionality. We ate quite late, about 10.30 and some items on the menu weren't available which was a shame, nevertheless, we ordered and waited for our food. When we eventually got our meals, 45mins later, the Duck salads that Paulina and Claire ordered were wilted, over cooked and came with 'peanuts' instead of Cashews. So we decided to complain. The manager came over and offered paulina and Claire a desert or a shot to compensate. They wanted neither and asked for a cocktail, the manager then proceeded to argue with us for ten minutes and refused to agree that this was a fair compensation. He must have been coked up or something because he was being such an aragant tosser. At one point he even said to us "I feel like you're trying to take me for a ride", with which i replied " i feel as if i'm being insulted". ANyway, here's me looking decidedly pissed off with the whole incident. DON'T EVER GO THERE, YOU GET TREATED LIKE SHIT!


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