
Paulina's Final Swan Song

All I can say is that living with Paulina for 8 months was an education amongst other things. Crossing the great East West divide was no easy feet as points but overall I had a huge amount of fun with Polk. Her final flurry came in the shape and form of two of the most debauched evenings i've had here in South Africa. As a house we went out for final supper in Royal, guzzled Champagne and reminisced about our time together. (From left to right, Tamo, Kat, Lane, Chris, Paulina and Shane).

The following evening, which really was the last, we all went round to claire's for dinner. The night got quite rawcus and included traditional polish folk dancing, strange head rotating games, Robot, Priates, "Where's Wally", a photo shoot with Dirty dog, Wat Dog,and Rev Dog, vodka shooters, dogdy photos with 'the hand' and a whole host of other rediculous things. 3am and i was finished, 6am and Polk was on her way to the Airport.

As a fitting tribute and lasting memorial to Polski i've included an old photo of her family and friends from the Polish Party in December. I hope to visit you in the mother land for some Vodka and Sausage (Don't ask). All the best with your future plans and I hope you make it to Barcelona! Adios Chica!


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