
Homeward Bound!

14th July - 4th August
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I trust you're all well and enjoying a scorching British Summer!

As you all know the summer's a busy time for everyone and due to the late notice I've anticipated that many of you will have already sorted out your movements for the next month. So, instead of trying to round up a hoard of people to celebrate my return, I figured it was easier to give you my plans and let you decide whether it fits yours....

I'll be back in the UK for about 3 weeks but unfortunately i'll be working, so i've made some plans for the weekend of the 21-23rd which should interest you. Obviously i'd like to catch up with as many of you as possible so see whether anything flicks your switch.

Useful information: On Friday 21st I've got a guestlist at Thirst, if you want to have a banging night of electro-house to end the working week then let me know. The Brazilian Festival is a freebee and should be a lot a fun. If you're busy in the day or too hung over to move then you can catch me in the evening for drinks somewhere in Islington, call to see where I am. Tickets for Studio Artois are available for a measly 13.50 (ticketmaster).

Make some plans people!

I look forward to hearing from or seeing you all in the next month.


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