
27 April: Freedom Day

Today is a Public Holiday commemorating the day in 1994 when the first democratic election was held in South Africa, and the day in 1997 when the new constitution took effect. However some people are in work today regardless. Yippee!


Shropshire Union Canal August Bank Holiday

Cheers guys, I had a great time! Special thanks to Mike for the hospitality.


The Train

I mentioned the train a few times, here's Lexi and I outside.

Easter Weekend Traditional Sunday Roast

easter felt a little strange without home cooking, family and all the trimmings. To make up for this i offered to cook a roast for all the cape orphans. Here i am, Chef Al. The roast was a great success, after dinner we sat and watched 'Bad Education', a hectic film about mascarade, transexuality, murder, child molestation and heroin addiction, fairly light subject matter wouldn't you say?? With the left overs i managed to make a batch of very taste chicken soup. Some people are still a little shellshocked by my cullinary skills, mainly because most SA men can only nuke meat on a braii. Viva la new man!

Cape Peninsula

Here's a really lovely photo taken on the Cape Peninsula by Claire

Easter Weekend Bonsai Nursery


Claire amongst the Bonsai

Me checking out the Bonsai



I've removed the egg to avoid offending anymore parents. Hope you all had a great Easter break. x


Cape Island

Breaking out is impossible, breaking in is insane.

With a smell of desperation in the air and a lack of initiative, four friends meet on a train to discuss their lives, the night before and any sordid details they can extract from each other. If it sounds like "Sex in the the City" that becasue it is. The concept has been brewing for a while but now finally the authors of Cape Island proudly present the difinitive pictoral guide to Island life.

Lion's Head

I think this is a really impressive photo of Lion's head. Thanks for passing that on to me nats.

Solihull Massive

Legends! Who would have thought that the first friend to visit Cape Town would be non other than the delectable Natalie Ernst. Traveller extrordinaire, study buddy, Sulihull faithful and all round good sport. Never for one moment did i think Natski's visit was going to be a drag. Having only established contact on Tuesday, the next thing i know we're sitting at a dinner table on Wednesday evening drinking wine and chewing the fat. The evening turned into a night of debauchary at Saints, where Nats travelling companion Jo fell asleep against a beam, Hilarious (but forgiveable considering they'd been flying for 26hrs!). Thurday was a write off, i was still very ill and a night of drinking didn't improve things, i had better days in my first job turning potatoes. On Friday evening we went for a meal at Marco's, a traditional African restaurant with singing and dancing. Nats ate Kuda, Springbok and Ostrich which for a person who claims to not eat meat was pushing the boat out, although secretly I think she's a serious carnivor at heart - check the bite marks! After dinner we went to Po Na Na, Joburg and Miam Miam. The night was long and the drinks never stopped flowing. I blame Stephan for the Tequila chasers, must be something he's picked up in the Midlands!!! Carnage, road wrecks and botched operations come to mind. Although they didn't get up Table Mountain due to high winds (i think the cablecar men got wrecked the night before as well) I did manage to show them a magnificent sunset in Camps Bay followed by the best burgers in town. Guys, it was an absolute pleasure spending time with you on Cape Island, you were fantastic company. Stephan, I think it would be rude not to catch up for a drink in town when i get back, especially as i'll probably be chilling in Bow for a while. Jo, i thought i had a filthy mouth but you take the gold medal, hours of laughter and general amusements, lovely to meet you. Natski, wonderful to see you again after such a long time, ditch the chav's and find a decent guy! No seriously, seeing you again was incredible, All in all a very surreal past week, i look forward to checking you out again soon. Enjoy the rest of your trip, next rendevouz Sulihull in the summer (F**K THAT, hehe) ! x


Wrong Weekend

Since eating a dodgy snack on Friday i've been running to and from the loo and watching continuous DVD's. WARNING: Do not eat Falafals from outside Miam Miam, they're dangerous! It's monday and things still aren't right.