
Dinner at Belvedere, Holland Park

After a fairly ordinary few days working in Southark it was Thurday. AP's friends Andrew and Emma had invited us to Cecconi's on Burlington Gardens behind the Royal Academy. I arrived a little late having been held up at work. Following a drink and some light conversatoin we headed to dinner at Marco Pierre White's restaurant, Belvedere in Holland Park. Set amongst the beautifully manicured lawns and hedgerows of the park the Belvedere which was at one point I imagine a very beautiful summerhouse within which the rich and famous of Victorian London drank tea from daintly little cups and prominaded round the rose gardens. On arrival the first thing all of us noticed was Bill Oddy from the Goodies sat on the table adjacent to us. My immediate thoughts were if it's good enough for Bill it's certainly good enough for me. My food, homemade pasta with confit de cunard was delicious, as was the very good bottle of Pouilly Fume and glass of champagne we drank. All in all a very enjoyable evening, Emma, Andrew and his guest were fantastic company, conversation flowed freely, sometimes a little too freely??? Poor old Bill.


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