
The Long Weekend!

Finally Friday had begun! I spent quite a bit of time in the week frantically chasing and arranging everyone for a night of Samba music and dancing at Guanabara in Covent Garden, a slight change from the original venue. I guess by this point the weekend had taken on a distinctly Brazilian flavour and why not I say. Following a swift pint after work with rob we went to CG and promptly met up with Joe, Em, a hot and sweaty post-squash James, AP and her friend Casandra. Caiparinhas, Mojitos, rum&cokes, Champers, beers, tequilas, sambucas and I'm sure the list goes on considering how cheap everything was. A quick list of attendees: Mark Mac1, Lexus Mulexus, Sophsta, "I've only got 20 left' Dowling, Stavros Ablanaldo, Cockbot, AP, Fenton, The delectible Lady Hope, Ro, Ems&Joe90 and I'm sure i've missed a shit load of names but hey. Massive shout to Louisa, Ro and Stevie for queuing , I hope it was worth it guys! Thanks for a cracking night, great too see you all. (Below: before the debauchery, James, Ems and Myself)


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