
The Long Weekend!

Finally Friday had begun! I spent quite a bit of time in the week frantically chasing and arranging everyone for a night of Samba music and dancing at Guanabara in Covent Garden, a slight change from the original venue. I guess by this point the weekend had taken on a distinctly Brazilian flavour and why not I say. Following a swift pint after work with rob we went to CG and promptly met up with Joe, Em, a hot and sweaty post-squash James, AP and her friend Casandra. Caiparinhas, Mojitos, rum&cokes, Champers, beers, tequilas, sambucas and I'm sure the list goes on considering how cheap everything was. A quick list of attendees: Mark Mac1, Lexus Mulexus, Sophsta, "I've only got 20 left' Dowling, Stavros Ablanaldo, Cockbot, AP, Fenton, The delectible Lady Hope, Ro, Ems&Joe90 and I'm sure i've missed a shit load of names but hey. Massive shout to Louisa, Ro and Stevie for queuing , I hope it was worth it guys! Thanks for a cracking night, great too see you all. (Below: before the debauchery, James, Ems and Myself)


Dinner at Belvedere, Holland Park

After a fairly ordinary few days working in Southark it was Thurday. AP's friends Andrew and Emma had invited us to Cecconi's on Burlington Gardens behind the Royal Academy. I arrived a little late having been held up at work. Following a drink and some light conversatoin we headed to dinner at Marco Pierre White's restaurant, Belvedere in Holland Park. Set amongst the beautifully manicured lawns and hedgerows of the park the Belvedere which was at one point I imagine a very beautiful summerhouse within which the rich and famous of Victorian London drank tea from daintly little cups and prominaded round the rose gardens. On arrival the first thing all of us noticed was Bill Oddy from the Goodies sat on the table adjacent to us. My immediate thoughts were if it's good enough for Bill it's certainly good enough for me. My food, homemade pasta with confit de cunard was delicious, as was the very good bottle of Pouilly Fume and glass of champagne we drank. All in all a very enjoyable evening, Emma, Andrew and his guest were fantastic company, conversation flowed freely, sometimes a little too freely??? Poor old Bill.


Back in Blighty!

After a horrendous delay resulting in a 22hr flight via Doha back to London the last thing I wanted to do was sit at a desk and try to scoop my spilt brains back into my head and do some work. Sadly that's what happened, well at least for a couple of hours before I managed to contact Robbie C. What happened next could be best descibed as a liquid lunch and worst desribed as pure lunacy. 12 beers and 4 shots of Sambuca later I rolled out of a city pub. I had to stay with my folks that evening so I set about getting a train back to the airport. I made the train but fell asleep and woke up back in Liverpool St! The inspector smerked and sarcastically inquired "are you going to get off this time mate?". 12pm and a humbling phone call asking my sister to pick me up was the last straw for a day that would have broken any camels back.

Tired but patched up I went to work on the Friday as normal and met AP at Kings Cross that evening. While I was waiting for her train I decided to pop into one of my old haunts. The Ruby lounge on Caledonian rd hasn't changed too much since I was last there although the Kings Cross area is almost unrecognisable. I remember when I was a student at CMS visiting Rob's dad's studio and having to dodge the prostitutes and wino's on my way there. Now it's all coffee culture and stylish bookshops.

After what could be best described as a longer day than most AP and I finally arrived back at her house in Dalston and completely exhausted, passed out in minutes. On Saturday morning AP and I went down to Borough Market close to London Bridge to buy some supplies, champagne and drink the best coffee in London at the Monmouth Coffee House. The photo of above was taken close to the Market. AP's housemate Andrew had a family from Australia staying so that evening we had a barbie in Dalston. Chris, Shinomi and their two children Amber and Zoe were lovely people and at no point did the house seem crowded with all the extra people. The kids were the kind of kids that make you think you want to have your own; intelligent, sharp, funny and well behaved. Andrew even performed magic tricks (below) for them which was a lot of fun. Later in the evening I seem to remember drinking some rather choice bottles of South African wine and by the end of the night reading out the meanings of English phrases like 'blind drunk', 'robbed blind' and so on... a good night had by all.

On the Sunday AP and I attended 'Toast' in Regent's Park. Billed as a kind of All Aussie food and wine extravaganza with tickets costing £35 we were expecting a lot. What we got was not a lot. Now i'm not a zenophobe but I do question whether the Aussie ex-pat community actually know how to entertain! Thankfully the few Aussies I know disprove this theory completely and maybe Toast should consider drafting them onto the committee for next year! In South Africa I went to similar event near Franschhoek where all the wine tastings and a large selection of local produce were free, at Toast you needed a wod in your pocket even for an icecream! By the end I was thankful of being invited by some of AP's friends to the comparitively inexpensive option of Veuve Cliquot at All Bar One in Marlebone. In all seriousness it wasn't all that bad but I think if Toast had there thinking hats on and wanted to see the growth and diversity of the event really take off they could afford to offer a bit more value for money, focusing more on their hospitality and the promotion of Australian Food and wine. What was on offer was excellent and my hat's off to the fantastic food we sampled, but I did feel they could look to provide the same quality with a less obvious need to make profit. Oh, and it'd have been great if they'd offered a little shade from the seering 30degree heat! (Below: Toast main stage)


Homeward Bound!

14th July - 4th August
(click on the image below to enlarge)

I trust you're all well and enjoying a scorching British Summer!

As you all know the summer's a busy time for everyone and due to the late notice I've anticipated that many of you will have already sorted out your movements for the next month. So, instead of trying to round up a hoard of people to celebrate my return, I figured it was easier to give you my plans and let you decide whether it fits yours....

I'll be back in the UK for about 3 weeks but unfortunately i'll be working, so i've made some plans for the weekend of the 21-23rd which should interest you. Obviously i'd like to catch up with as many of you as possible so see whether anything flicks your switch.

Useful information: On Friday 21st I've got a guestlist at Thirst, if you want to have a banging night of electro-house to end the working week then let me know. The Brazilian Festival is a freebee and should be a lot a fun. If you're busy in the day or too hung over to move then you can catch me in the evening for drinks somewhere in Islington, call to see where I am. Tickets for Studio Artois are available for a measly 13.50 (ticketmaster).

Make some plans people!

I look forward to hearing from or seeing you all in the next month.